


First “Lulu” reviews

First reviews are in for Lulu at the Wiener Festwochen and Katrin Wundsam in her role debut as Garderobiere and Gymnasiast:

“… the Gymnasiast, Katrin Wundsam, who, however, created a vocal showpiece out of her small scene, a moment of art of differentiation and articulation… .”
Wilhelm Sinkovicz, Die Presse

“At this point, Lulu’s charisma is so great that even a young high school student falls for her. At first he naively thinks he can free Lulu from her fate of imprisonment. And Katrin Wundsam embodies this youthful naivety wonderfully. Her mezzo is bursting with energy and has a kind of youthful purity. Yes, there he comes to mind again, the pure fool from Parsifal, only that this fool right here is about to shed all purity. … Ms. Wundsam is an asset to the evening and also covers this facet of the spectrum that Lulu falls victim to excellently. Brava, bravissima for this totally remarkable performance!§
E.A.L., Der Neue Merker

[Photo: Rittershaus]